Master Powered Paragliding 4: Advanced Landing

Laufzeit: 76 Minuten
Size: 1.0 GB
39,99 €    29,56 € Permanent (Zugriff + 1 Brennen)
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Master techniques that can dramatically increase your success at making soft, stand-up landings every time where you want. We explore the secrets of this inevitable maneuver.

Landing in small spaces is one of paramotoring’s most remarkable capabilities. But it’s also one of the riskiest. We help you understand this important skill.

Misconceptions run rampant on glide ratio, sink rate and the wind’s effect on them. We’ll clear these up while helping make engine out landings the non-event they should be.

Airports are great places to stage from but can be intimidating. We show clearly how they work and how we can safely fit in, with animations that make it obvious.

Learn how to land and stop with only 2 steps in no wind. Learn those fun slider landings and, most importantly, learn to do them after arriving at the frisbee-sized spot of you desires!

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